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Food Storage Made Easy

Food Storage Made Easy
Great food storage site!!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

So it has been a while. Today, Tayson had to go to his 5 year doctor appointmen to get his Kindergarten shots. We have been getting ready for the event for several weeks now and every few days Tayson would ask me...

Tayson: So is the shot going to hurt?
Me: Not too bad! (I didn't want to freak him out.)
Tayson: What will it feel like?
Me: Like a pinch...kind of like this (and then I would pinch him.)
Tayson: Ouch...that isn't so bad

Well today the truth was discovered and I don't think Tayson will ever trust me again...

Just after the shots were given...Tayson still crying...

Tayson: Mom, that didn't hurt a little, that hurt ALOT! I don't ever what to come back here again.
Mom: I know it hurt but does it still hurt?
Tayson: Not really!
Me: Then why are you crying?
Tayson: Cause it hurt...I don't EVER want to come here AGAIN!
Mom: Well you don't have to get anymore shots...you are all done.
Tayson: Ok, I'll come back then! I always get a sucker when I come!

Go figure! My kid isn't a fool! Hope he can trust me again...one day he will understand why I didn't elaborate on how much the shot would hurt...I was protecting him from weeks of torture waiting for the day to arrive...or I was just protecting myself from having to drag a 5 year old into the doctor's office...heheh! Either way, I'm glad it is over.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Mr. Dramatic

So it has been a while since I posted something funny on this site. I isn't that Tayson and Shaelie haven't said anything funny...I just haven't posted it. Here are a few that have happened receintly...

Mom...Tayson it is time for you to go and get ready for bed

Tayson... But I'm not tired.

Mom...Right now Tayson, it is time for bed. Go get your pjs on.

Tayson...Ahhh, I just can't take it anymore!

This is a saying that he says a lot lately. I'm not sure where he picked it up...although it was probably from me on one of those days that Tayson and Shaelie won't stop fighting. Oh the things that they pick up.

Friday, May 29, 2009

I'll get a watermelon in my belly!

So inorder to understand this story you first have to hear the preface. Many weeks ago Tayson was at his Grandma and Grandpa Hansen's. Tayson was sitting on his Grandpa's lap and all of a sudden patted his Grandpa on the tummy and asked "What's in there?" His Grandpa then responded that it was a watermelon. Tayson's eyes of course got really big and to this day he still talks about the watermelon in Grandpa's belly.
Well now for what happened today. Tayson was again at his Grandparents house. He was eating some dinner and had finished so his Grandma asked him if he wanted some dessert. She asked him if he wanted some icecream or some watermelon. Upon hearing this, Tayson's eyes got really big and this is what he said..."I can't eat that. I'll have a watermelon in my belly."

Well, that's what we get for telling a 3 year old that Grandpa has a watermelon in his belly. What a funny kid.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What a boy

So I have a boy and boy does he act like a boy. Tayson just loves to play outside. The only thing about how much he loves to play outside that is bad is that he doesn't like to take a time out to come inside and go to the bathroom. Well today he found a solution...

Yup, he dropped his pants and went outside. What a boy!

What a shy little guy!

Yesterday was just BEAUTIFUL and so we spent the majority of our day enjoying the sun shine. Later in the evening, I was inside with Andy and Shaelie and Tayson was still outside riding his bike and playing. He walked into the house and said...

Tayson: Look!
Me: What do you have?
Tayson: A rolly polly! He is a shy little fella! He is sooo shy!
Us trying not to laugh too hard: He is shy huh! Please take him back outside, we don't being bugs in the house.

Tayson then took it back outside. About 5 minutes later he walked back into the house.

Andy: Where is your rolly polly?
Tayson: He's dead!
Andy: He's dead! What happened to him.
Tayson: His head is broken!
Andy: How did his head get broken?
Tayon: I pulled on it!

Well there you go kiddo! No wonder the poor thing was so shy!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

No Picking, Mom!

At night we do bathtime and tonight was no different. Tayson's new thing is to give himself rock hair, as he calls it. He spikes his hair in all sorts of weird directions and then says, with rocker hands "rock on." Well tonight I was on bath duty and was sitting in the bathroom watching the kids splash and play. Tayson asked me to close my eyes. Hesitant as to what he would do, I closed my eyes only to have Tayson say, "No picking, no picking!" Yes you read right! That is not a typo! He was trying to say no peeking but picking came out. I thought it was pretty darn cute!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Get me out of here!

So today I had Tayson try and dress himself again...I tell you I am really working on his indepenance. Well he did really good with his pants (he is used to putting these on and off all day thanks to potty time) but the shirt he still struggles with. Well I was watching him and trying with all my might not to assist him while he put on his shirt. He struggled and struggled and finally said in desperation, "Help, mommy help, I can't find my way out! Get me out!" He kept sticking his arms and his head through the same hole at the same time. Well I finally had to cave and help the guy out. (Mind you I was laughing quite hard at this point.) I wouldn't want him to get lost in his own shirt. Good times!